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  • Carpet Repair and Stretching Bowie MarylandCarpet Repair and Stretching Bowie Maryland







Carpet Repair and Stretching Bowie Maryland

Bowie, Maryland residents decided against purchasing new carpeting, and called Maryland Carpet Repair and Cleaning to stretch their carpet. The first picture shows the extensive rippling, lumps and bumps in the carpet.


Carpet stretching is our number one service call. It is a relief for our clients to know that it is not necessary to have your carpet replaced when all that is needed is a professional carpet stretching. The main reason for carpet ripples, lumps and bumps is because the initial installers used a Knee Kicker instead of a Carpet Stretcher. Using a Carpet Stretcher ensures that the carpet lays flat and is drum tight. We offer a 5 year labor guarantee with our carpet stretching.


The second picture shows the smooth carpet after our certified technicians finished the job. The client saved thousands of dollars because they did not have to have the carpet replaced.


Maryland Carpet Repair and Cleaning offers professional carpet repair and cleaning services throughout the Maryland, DC, and Northern Virginia areas.


Our repair services include:

Carpet Stretching/Re-stretching

Carpet to Tile Transitions

Carpet Repairs (burns, bleach, pet damage, and stains)

Berber Repair/Snags/Runs

Carpet Cleaning

Upholstery Cleaning

Carpet Sales

Carpet Installation


Please visit and click on the “Book Now” button at the top of the Home Page to view pricing and to schedule your carpet stretching, repair or cleaning appointment..