Carpet Stretching Gaithersburg Maryland
These homeowners in Gaithersburg, Maryland were delighted when they came across Maryland Carpet Repair and Cleaning on the Google Website who could offer them cost saving carpet stretching services as another option to the expensive cost of replacing their carpet.
To assure that the carpet was smooth and drum tight, our certified technicians used the power stretcher instead of the knee kicker which is commonly used by most carpet installation companies and does not provide the stretching necessary.
The first picture shows the carpet before stretching. The second picture shows the work after they stretched the carpet from wall to wall and also reinforced the tack strips to ensure that the carpet stays in place. Because of the thorough job that our technicians do at Maryland Carpet Repair, we offer a 5 Year Guarantee on labor.
Maryland Carpet Repair and Cleaning offers professional carpet repair and cleaning services throughout the Maryland, DC, and Northern Virginia areas.
Our carpet repair services include:
Carpet Stretching/Re-stretching
Carpet to Tile Transitions
Carpet Repairs (burns, bleach, pet damage, and stains)
Berber Repair/Snags/Runs
Carpet Cleaning
Upholstery Cleaning
Carpet Sales
Carpet Installation
Please visit and click on the “Book Now” button at the top of the Home Page to view pricing and to schedule your carpet stretching, repair or cleaning appointment..